Since 2001, Lindea has been supporting industrial and service groups, specialist operators (hospitals, research and scientists, cooperatives, etc.), professional investors, real estate operators and communities to :
- Adapt organizations and real estate to the needs of user operators
→ implementation, development, rationalization
- Value an asset or a sector / urban area in order to meet the objectives of the owners and in line with the economic and urban development of the territories
→ valorisation-reconversion, land development, urban renewal
Lindea is
- 70 to 80 decisions and projects each year in France and Europe
- 2/3 missions are preliminary studies, feasibility studies and decision-making, lasting from 2 weeks to 6 months
- 1/3 missions deal with the implementation of decisions and construction/restructuring projects, consultation and site or territorial valorisation
- > €1 billion: economic value of the operations in which Lindea participates